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Wallpaper provides more options than a simple coat of paint. With wallpaper you can really showcase your personality in each room of your home. While hanging wallpaper in your home can bring exciting patterns, textures, and style to your space, it is not always easy to install. In fact, a lot of our clients tell us they attempted to install wallpaper on their own but failed terribly. Without the proper tools or experience, a wallpaper project can be a nightmare. This is why we offer expert wallpaper services, to make your life easier!
Removable wallpaper is the best option for renters, since you can take it off without damaging the walls when you move out.
Prices are determined based on the square footage of each wall while factoring in ceiling height and number of windows, doors, and closets.
Before you request a quote from our professionals, please have your wall measurements and ceiling height available for a more accurate quote.
It's Easy!
1) Measure the width of you wall from corner to corner.
2) Measure the height of your wall at each corner to determine the tallest measurement. (Do not include the crown molding or baseboards in your measurement).
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